Norma Sanchez (509) 634-2206

Management and Budget Chair
Omak District Representative

Councilwoman Norma Sanchez is serving her first term on the Colville Business Council.  This Committee has the authority to address any federal, state, or local legislative matters of interest to the Council.  Her focus has centered on internal governance and federal matters of importance to the Colville Tribes.  She has attended several meetings regarding tribal issues.     

Councilwoman Sanchez has worked for more than 20 years in the Colville Tribal Administration and Finance Departments.  She received her Associate’s Degree in Business Administration with a Certificate in Accounting and a Certificate in Business and Payroll Taxes from Yuba College in Linda, California.

Councilwoman Sanchez has lived all her life on the Colville Reservation except when she moved to Spokane, WA to attend college and for a time when she and her husband Agustin Sanchez resided in northern California before they returned to her homeland.  As a child she was raised in the traditional way and lived “off the grid” in her Tupa’s (Grandmother’s) house for many years, observing and practicing her culture.

Councilwoman Sanchez is the mother of five daughters (one has passed on) and two sons and 23 grandchildren (one has passed).  All her children and grandchildren live on the Colville Reservation.


Norma Sanchez

Work (509) 634-2206 or x2206
Cell (509) 978-9178
Fax (509) 634-4116