Dustin Best Work (509) 634-2252

Law & Justice Chair and Veterans Chair
Omak District Representative

An enrolled member of the Confederated Tribes of the Colville Indian Reservation, Dustin serves as a Colville Business Council, Chair of Law and Justice Committee and Veterans Committee Chair.

Dustin has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Criminal Justice and Administration and a Master’s Degree from Arizona State University in Legal Studies with emphasis in Criminal Law. Dustin has also worked early in his career in the Gaming Industry and then Tribal Gaming Commission. Later Dustin worked for the Colville Tribal Police Department for 20 years and left Colville Tribal Police Department as the Chief of Police.

Dustin is committed to the public safety of the Colville Indian Reservation and its Tribal Members. Goals are to focus on the enhancement to services such as Law Enforcement, Corrections, Tribal Courts, and Legal Cases that affect the Tribe. Dustin is also a Navy Veteran who served as a Navy Seabee Construction Battalion. Dustin also has the interest and dedication to help ensure services and assistance to all Tribal Veterans of the Colville Tribe.

Dustin Best

Work (509) 634-2252
Cell (509) 631-4231
Fax (509) 634-4116