Karen Condon (509) 634-2211

Omak District Representative

An enrolled member of the Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation, Karen serves as a Colville Business Councilmember and as the Secretary of the Executive Committee.

Karen is a graduate of the University of California Santa Barbara, where she obtained two (2) BA degrees, one in American History, the other in Religious Studies.  She also attended Arizona State University before transferring to Cornell University, where she worked on her Ph.D in Late 19th Century American History with an Emphasis in American Indian Labor History.

She previously served as the Chair of the Tribes’ TERO Commission, and was the Archivist of the Tribes’ Archives & Records Center. 

Karen also served as the Head Start Director and was on the Board of Trustees of the Colville Tribal College.  As the Language Manager, Karen was also a member of the First Peoples’ Language Committee and was instrumental in the formation of the Tribal Leaders Congress on Education for the State of Washington. 

Karen’s commitment to the preservation, maintenance and revitalization of the three (3) languages still spoken on the Colville Reservation, advocating for additional services for domestic abuse victims and survivors, the development of training and employment opportunities for tribal members, and the protection of the Tribes’ sovereignty, was the focus of her work when she served on the Colville Business Council previously.

Karen Condon

Work (509) 634-2211 or x2211
Cell (509) 978-9157
Fax (509) 634-4116